A Day in the Life of a Minimalist Entrepreneur

A Day in the Life of a Minimalist Entrepreneur

  Embracing minimalism gave me so much extra time, I was able to pause and decide what I was passionate about and how I wanted to spend that extra time I found I had. For me, that has been helping others simplify their homes and lives and for myself, experiencing life as an entrepreneur. Learning the…

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Home Organization for the Minimalist

So you’ve gotten rid of more than 1/2 of your possessions and thought the house would just fall into place, but it hasn’t. How do minimalists organize their stuff? This should be an easy task right? First off, maybe you need to get rid of more. This is going to vary for everyone, but generally…

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Simplifying Laundry for a Large Family

Minimalism and large families are a perfect fit. Granted, if I tell people my bio… “I’m a mother of 6 and blog about minimalism…” I get plenty of snickers and “A minimalist with lots of kids? Isn’t that a bit of a contradiction??” Well, no, it’s not. Minimalism is about letting go of non-essentials so…

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8 Ways To Create Instant Calm This Week

If you are in the midst of feeling overwhelmed with far too much going on in your life and too many cluttered surfaces, there are a few things that you can do to reduce that very quickly. No, it’s not going to take all the troubles away, but doing even one of these suggestions listed below…

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8 Habits To Keep Paper Clutter To A Minimum

  Papers are easily one of the number one clutter issues in our lives. We are afraid to get rid of something, for fear of needing the information on it or needing a copy of it. We feel shame for not filing utility bills and grocery receipts. Aren’t we supposed to compare our receipts to…

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Teaching Children Tidy Habits Early On

Responsibility and having to participate in housekeeping is good for children, it helps them to feel needed, important and trusted. It helps them feel like they belong. Setting Realistic Timelines Though essential for raising future adults, teaching children to do chores can be exhausting for mom (or whoever the primary caregiver is) if preparation isn’t…

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