Finding Calm in Schedule Changes

I have always struggled with change. Not big changes… for whatever reason, I can handle those just fine. Get married. ✔ Move across the country. ✔️ Have a baby. ✔️ How about 6 of them? Sure! Why not? ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ But the small changes, those throw me for a loop! Things like: Kids starting school in…

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Decluttering Emotionally Heavy Things

On our decluttering journey we will come to things that are really difficult to let go of, and most of them are items that have a lot of emotions tied to them.

On our decluttering journey, we will come to things that are difficult to let go of, and most of them are items with many emotions tied to them. On one of my YouTube videos, Lisa asked: “Rachel, I’m having such a hard time going through my storage room. I want to clear through it but…

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What Cleaning Supplies Should We Use?

I’ve had a few questions lately on what cleaning supplies I use. And I have hesitated to share, because when I ask that type of question, it’s because I recognize that what I’m doing isn’t working, and I see that what someone else is doing IS working, so I think I should try the products…

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7 Time Saving Hacks for Big Families

I don’t feel like we have to manage a big family anymore, now that our 3 oldest are out on their own. But I still rely on these things to make our lives run smoothly. 1. Minimalism. If you found me through the Mega Motivation playlist, I know you’ve heard from minimalists already, but I…

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