Jack O'Lantern Cuties

Jack O'Lantern Cuties
So simple and easy, but super fun and no worries about all the excess sugar and everything else we want to avoid during these sugary holidays.
This is another project that is fun for kids to be involved in! Having a big bowl of jack-o-lantern to munch on during your Halloween party is terrific and a refreshing change from typical treats.

Jack O’Lantern Cuties

Permanent marker
Draw jack-o-lantern faces on cuties. Place in a bowl. Enjoy.
Jack O'Lantern Cuties
Jack O'Lantern Cuties

About Rachel Jones

Hi there! I’m Rachel Jones, and I founded Nourishing Minimalism in 2012 at the beginning of my minimalist journey after I'd been doing a yearly decluttering challenge for 4 years and started to see a change in my home. If you're looking for encouragement in your journey, please join our FREE Facebook Group: Nourishing Minimalism Facebook Group


  1. Jerimi on 11/14/2014 at 2:49 pm

    These cuties couldn’t be more adorable. I love how easy they look, too. What a clever idea! Pinning so I remember it for next year.

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