So, you want to declutter, but don't know where to start?

When we decide it's time to declutter our home, we already know there is a problem.

It's all the clutter that is IN OUR FACE every single day, right??

There is stuff on every surface, and in every cupboard, closet, and drawer.

We know that simplifying our surroundings is supposed to bring us a sense of peace and calm, but there is so much, everywhere I rest my eyes I see more things!

How great would it be to walk into the kitchen and see that all the counters are clean and clear?

To open the cupboard and see everything beautifully organized and easy to access?

To be able to invite someone over at a moment's notice and not be stressed at all??

This can be your reality. ❤️

Introducing: A room-by-room game plan to help you move from chaos & clutter to serene spaces.

clutter busting charts

➡️ Most people open a cupboard and look to see what they can get rid of.  But they never see a difference even when they get rid of stuff all the time.

➡️ Many feel like they need to invest several weeks' worth of time and energy in order to make a dent in the clutter.

➡️ But you can make massive shifts in your home when you focus on one space at a time and when you ask the right questions.

➡️ Simply changing your questions from "What do I want to declutter?" to "What do I actually want to keep in my home?" can transform the way you declutter!

overwhelmed clutter
  • In this chart set, I've included the basic intro of where to start so you can see a huge difference RIGHT AWAY.
  • You'll also get a full list of questions to ask so you can make decisions easier and faster.
  • And I've included my transformative "poop story" that helped me reevaluate what was valuable to me.😂
  • You'll be able to focus on one room at a time so you can SEE the transformation take place in your home.

What you get:

  • Decluttering 101
  • Clutter Interrogation Questions
  • 12 Charts:
    • Kitchen
    • Dining Room
    • Living Room
    • Bathrooms
    • Master Bedroom
    • Spare/Kids Room
    • Office
    • Laundry Room
    • Basement
    • Closets
    • Attic/Storage
    • Garage
clutter busting

"I bought those lists and they are awesome. They were great when you have that feeling like you don’t know where to start. They go through each room of the house each month so you focus on one room at a time and give ideas of where to look to get rid of trash and excess." ~Kat P.


Too often we move from one task to another, leaving half-done projects in our wake. To really see a change in our home, we need to keep our focus on one area at a time. Room by room decluttering and streamlining.

12 charts with different rooms so you can keep your focus to one area at a time and see some major transformation with your decluttering journey!


Have you ever stood in your home, wanting to be free of clutter, but not knowing where to start or even how to start?

Let these charts be your guide. Do something small every day, place the current chart on the fridge next to your yearly decluttering chart and you will be encouraged as you start to see items being checked off, boxes being filled and removed from the house, and clean clear spaces pleasantly popping up.


Of course, when we decide to make this big of a change in our lives, we want it to happen quickly.

But exhausting yourself over one weekend of intense decluttering only leads to frustration and quickly overwhelms our efforts.

Instead, we need to work diligently, each day, for 15-30 minutes. Just one drawer or one shelf at a time. This is not a quick sprint. It’s a marathon race. One needs a good pace to continue and follow through to the end.

Once you purchase:

You will receive an email with a link to download the PDF.

Twelve different areas, listing all the categories in each area that you can check off as you complete them.

**Please note: Because the products are digital, all sales are final, no refunds are given**

Beat clutter this year
You can do this.

clutter busting charts