How to Downsize the Bedroom – a Detailed List of a Minimalist Bedroom

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How to Downsize the Living Room – Moving From House to Studio

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How to Downsize the Kitchen: An Achievable List of Necessities to Keep

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Clutter and Trauma: Here’s How to Start Decluttering Through It

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3 Clear Steps to Declutter Sentimental Items Gently and Stress-Free

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5 Steps That Helped Me Downsize From a Full House to a Studio Apartment

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5 Cultural Approaches That Taught Us to Declutter and Enjoy Living Simple

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11 Video Home Tours That Show What it’s Like to Live as a Minimalist Family

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How to get started when I’m overwhelmed and have zero motivation

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5 Mindset Shifts to Help You Get Rid of the Clutter in Your Home

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Create a More Minimal Living Room by Eliminating These 10 Items

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Living in Simplicity: 13 Ways Simple Living Makes Your Life Easier

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Decluttering 2,024 in 2024 [Decluttering Challenge]

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15 Winter Break Activities to Keep the Kids Busy and Enjoy Connection

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How to Manage Debt Effectively (6 Tips For Debt-Free Living) 

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Discover 5 easy and effective ways to tackle home overwhelm and bring order back to your living space. Get your home in order with these practical tips and reclaim a sense of harmony and organization in your daily life.

4 Easy Ways to Tackle Home Overwhelm and Get Your Home in Order

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4 Decluttering Mistakes to Avoid and What to Do Instead

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What if I regret decluttering something?

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Why Embracing Minimalism Can Free Up Every Other Aspect of Our Lives

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Her house isn’t messy anymore, because of these 3 reasons.

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5 Practical Ways to Navigate Change in Everyday Life

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9 Ways Minimalism Saves me From Spending Hours on Laundry Each Month

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The Fastest and Easiest Way to Lose Weight? 10 Month Update!

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7 Steps to Declutter Your Life and Why It’s Important

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Minimalist Lifestyle or Minimalist Aesthetic? Which one is better?

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How to declutter your home – 6 easy steps

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Clutter is gaslighting you and here’s how to prevent it

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Stupid-Easy House Cleaning. Creating a home that is EASY to keep clean

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Questions to ask to help figure out what you need in your kitchen

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23 Easy Things to Declutter in 2024

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  1. Nance Duncan on 12/08/2022 at 5:46 pm

    I just finished watching today’s video about your family getting together to make the snowflakes for your tree. I’ll be making some too. The ending was emotional for me. Hearing “O Holy Night” in the background while everyone was putting their snowflakes on the tree……. well, I shed a few tears. It was beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing your family moments with us.