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I welcome discussion at Nourishing Minimalism and understand that people disagree at times, let’s do so respectfully and understanding that we can all learn from one another.

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  1. Diann Dunn on 03/06/2015 at 10:24 am

    Your blog has given me hope after 35 years of collecting clutter! My dilemma – my husband is a virtual hoarder! Every time I start to de clutter I am stopped because I don’t know what to do with all his stuff. My closet is filled with boxes and boxes of mail! 99.9% of it needs trashed, much of it is unopened! Piles of paper everywhere, 2 garages full of everything imaginable, except cars, hobby and project supplies, purchased but never used, antiquated technology devices – stuff is everywhere! Suggestions?

    • Rachel on 03/06/2015 at 12:35 pm

      My first advice would be to hire someone local to you that has experience and can help him through the thought process of letting things go, one on one. Other than that, if you can give him separate areas that are completely his and agree that anything that he wants, needs to stay in those areas and then sort and declutter your own space. Once you have your own areas that are clean and free of clutter, he may see the benefit of it.

  2. Betty on 09/27/2017 at 8:26 pm

    your website/blog is gorgeous! i think you must have recently done an overhaul on it! so attractive! can’t wait to explore!

    • Rachel Jones on 10/02/2017 at 6:54 pm

      Thank you Betty! Yes, I did. 🙂

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