Why Embracing Minimalism Can Free Up Every Other Aspect of Our Lives

I decided to do my hair in an unconventional way, and people have varying opinions on this, which I understand; we all have preferences. But I got quite a few negative comments, and the ones that I want to address are the comments that said,

“You shouldn’t do it; that doesn’t seem minimal.”

I would argue that it is, but that’s not actually what I want to talk about.

I want to address the idea that if we “become a minimalist,” there is an assumption that every aspect of our life will be minimal.

Being a minimalist isn’t the goal.

Yes, it does impact what we do and have in our lives because we see the benefit to having fewer items, but when a quilter chooses minimalism, the way it’s going to look for them is going to be completely different than when a golfer chooses minimalism.

If you’re a golfer, your supplies will not take up a lot of space in your home.

But if you’re a quilter, you will likely need more space. Even if you keep your supplies minimal, putting together a queen-size quilt takes a fair amount of space.

Minimalism doesn’t mean you have to give up hobbies.

If you embrace minimalism, that doesn’t mean you have to give up something you love.

The whole point of minimalism is to eliminate the excess so you can focus on the things you love.

As you go through your home and reduce the excess and your mind shifts to where you are pickier and pickier about the things you acquire, your hobby supplies are likely to reduce.

And you may even decide that things you thought you enjoyed are not actually enjoyed.

Every decision you make in your life will be impacted by minimalism.

Never give anything up just to be identified as a minimalist. 

The focus of that is off. 

The goal is not to be a minimalist. 

The goal of minimalism is to reduce the “busyness” of material items to give yourself the freedom to do the things you enjoy.

If you love to bake but rarely do it because your counters are always covered with piles of paper, craft projects, and random clutter. Embracing minimalism will reduce all the clutter so that you can bake more often.

If you are someone who loves to quilt but rarely does because your kitchen table is covered with stuff and you’re not sure where you put the charm pack you bought last week, embracing minimalism will address all the clutter so that your table is clear and your supplies are easy to find, and you actually have time, space and energy to do it.

If you have a lot of children, having fewer material possessions will make caring for them much easier.

Honestly, minimalism helps everything.

Think about things you enjoy and how you want to spend your time; minimalism can help you do that. 

The only exception would be if your hobby is maximalist decorating or clutter-core. Which I would say, if that’s you, I hope you really enjoy dusting. 😅

That’s all minimalism is for me –

I didn’t want to spend my time cleaning, so I got rid of the stuff I had to clean.

If I don’t have things on the counters, the counters are easy to wipe clean. 

If I don’t have many knick-knacks, dusting doesn’t take much time. 

If I don’t have much furniture, sweeping and vacuuming go faster.

My goal wasn’t to be a minimalist.

My goal was to have a house that was easy to care for.

What’s your goal with minimalism?

What do you want to do, enjoy, and fill your days with?

How do you want to express your creativity when material possessions no longer hold you captive?

Please leave a comment and let me know. ❤️

About Rachel Jones

Hi there! I’m Rachel Jones, and I founded Nourishing Minimalism in 2012 at the beginning of my minimalist journey after I'd been doing a yearly decluttering challenge for 4 years and started to see a change in my home. If you're looking for encouragement in your journey, please join our FREE Facebook Group: Nourishing Minimalism Facebook Group


  1. Jennelle on 09/20/2023 at 4:16 pm

    I want to spend my days enjoying homeschooling my kids by doing things WITH them.

  2. Sarah on 09/21/2023 at 6:03 am

    I am not a minimalist, and my husband and children are definitely not minimalists. However, I am seeking to simplify our lives, and you have helped me greatly with that. I love that your focus is not minimalism for the sake of minimalism, but to free up time and space in our lives for important things and things we love. This is a beautiful mindset as I seek to curate my home and life in a way that honors God and shows love to my family and all who enter my doors. I love that you feel free to try things and enjoy something as simple as a new hairstyle. Thank you for helping folks like me while being gracious toward those who disagree with you. You set a beautiful example, and I thank God for you.

    • NATALIE K on 06/20/2024 at 11:08 am

      I’m right with you!! Pleasing the Lord is most important in my life!!

  3. Brenda Lowe on 09/21/2023 at 2:36 pm

    I started my minimalism journey about 7 years ago now. What an interesting process it has been. One of the decisions I made about 5 years in was to add a wall to our supersized bedroom and create a quilting room. I was literally quilting all over the house and it created so much clutter, disorganization and stress. Now I have everything I need for my loved daily quilting in one place. What a pleasure it has been having my supplies and tools curated and in one spot.

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