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The appeal to minimalism is most often in the way it makes one’s home feel open, spacious, and free of clutter.
Here are seven steps you can take to create a home that you love being in:

1. Get rid of most of your stuff. And when you feel like you’re done- go through it again and get rid of more.

I get asked all the time: but how do I organize it??

The answer is pretty simple: If you don’t know how to organize it, you still have too much.
When the cupboards are 1/2 full, then it’s easy to have different sections for different categories.
There are always going to be some exceptions: if you live in a very small house with a lot of family members, it is going to be harder. Depending on how old your home is, you may not have closets to work with, so it becomes a challenge to find a place for the vacuum cleaner to belong.

2. Work room-by-room.

What do you want your kitchen to look like and feel like?
Are the counters empty? If not, what can you put in the cupboards to clear the counters off?
If it doesn’t fit in the cupboard, you need to eliminate more so everything can get put away. I know this is a challenge. But most of us have gathered an insane amount of appliances: Breadmaker, stand mixer, crockpot, rice cooker, toaster oven, toaster, waffle maker, griddle, etc. I’ve kept a couple of appliances: a toaster, a waffle maker (I love waffles and use them regularly), a ninja blender with a food processor, a coffee pot (essential), and an immersion blender.

3. Give things their own “home.”

After you’ve gotten rid of so much, start assigning places for the items left.
  • Instead of leaving the toaster on the counter, give it cupboard space near where you use it most. Assign a place to put all the office supplies.
  • Assign a drawer for your shirts and a drawer for your pants.
  • Assign a place to put your purse, keys, etc., so you know right where to put them when you walk in the door.
  • Assign a place for shoes, coats, gloves, and backpacks.
  • In the pantry, assign sections to different foods: cereals, snack foods, canned foods, etc.

4. Follow the One-Touch rule.

When we procrastinate, we create more work for ourselves. Think through when you come home after a long day out: You walk through the door, plop your purse down on the table, hang your coat over a chair (first “touch” of the purse and coat), and deal with whatever is pressing at home: let the dog out, start dinner for the kids, listen to your messages, check the mail…
At dinner, you have the kids clear stuff off the table so you can eat there. The kids grab the purse and coat (second “touch”) and set them on the buffet.
During dinner you get a call from a friend, they need to stop by to borrow something, in a hurry to tidy up, you grab everything off the buffet (including the purse and coat… third “touch”) and throw it into your bedroom so the surfaces are clear.
Finally, you’re ready to sit down and relax for the evening, but you want to pick up first, and you decide to hang your purse and coat up by the door where they belong. (This is the fourth time the purse and coat have been touched since you walked in the door.)
Instead, when you walk in the house, take the ten extra steps and hang up the purse and coat immediately. (One-touch!) This will save you from touching it several more times as you shuffle it around all night.

5. Build daily rituals.

When one area is kept clean, the whole room looks nicer. Even just one clean and clear surface can give a lighter, freer feeling in that space. Think about it:
How do you feel when…

  • The bed is made?
  • The dishes are done?
  • The table is clean?
  • The laundry isn’t piled on the floor?

When you build easy daily cleaning habits, everything stays tidier. There is no need to stress about what you “need to do” because it’s already been done.
Even for those who are in the habit of washing dishes every day, having a set time in your daily flow to do it (right after breakfast or right after the kids go to school) means you don’t think about it every time you walk by the dishes.

6. Act before you think.

We talk ourselves out of so much. If you have a productive or self-improving thought, you have to act on it before you talk yourself out of it.
Just like the one-touch rule: If you take time to think about whether you want to hang up your purse and coat right now, your mind will come up with all kinds of reasons why it’s too much effort to walk over to the closet and hang up your coat.
But if you don’t allow yourself to think through the action and you just do it- it will get done, and before your mind has time to come up with an objection, you will have put away the coat and purse.
This is how good habits are built: If you spend your time thinking about decluttering, your brain is going to feel so exhausted that getting started will seem like climbing Mount Everest. Instead, pick a simple project, only require that one simple thing of yourself, and attack it before you have time to come up with a reason not to.

7. Eliminate obligations from the calendar.

While you’re getting rid of things that you don’t need that have been taking up space in your home, you’re going to notice things you have on your schedule that are taking up space in your life but you would rather they didn’t.
If you think you don’t have time for yourself, then take time to evaluate what is on your calendar and how your time is being spent and start saying “no.”
The only tool you have for creating free time for yourself is the word “no.”
Keep things on the calendar that help you live the life you want to live. And if it’s not helping you live that life, then find a way to remove it from your schedule.

Rachel Jones

Hi there! I’m Rachel Jones, and I founded Nourishing Minimalism in 2012 at the beginning of my minimalist journey after I'd been doing a yearly decluttering challenge for 4 years and started to see a change in my home. If you're looking for encouragement in your journey, please join our FREE Facebook Group: Nourishing Minimalism Facebook Group


  • Carissa says:

    Your blog is such an encouraging breath of fresh air, helping me to declutter and simplify so many areas of my life, resulting in a more peaceful heart that is better able to be a blessing to my family and others. I look forward to each post. Thank you so much for serving the Lord in this way.

    • Rachel Jones says:

      Thank you Carissa! ❤️

      • Dana Christie says:

        Rachel-I just love everything you represent. You really and truly “walk the walk”. You have been such an inspiring roll model for me. All of your posts and hints have helped me to finally have the home (not house) that I’ve always dreamed of having. Minimalism is simple but it’s not easy (at first). It takes effort but soooo worth it. Thank you Rachel ♥️

  • Gail says:

    One touch rule -brilliant in its simple effectiveness. Thx for your explanation.

  • Kristy says:

    Needed to hear/read this today! Thank you!

  • Paula says:

    Funny thing how this works. I started with patterns went from 4 office boxes to not full one and 2 drawers of quilting books to less than a dozen. These things were hidden in closets, but lighter does feel better! I also took 2/3 of the clothes out of the closet to go through later (all fits just tried to leave less there) still feels full. I’m thankful for all but it is funny how much I really haven’t needed! Paula

  • Cathy says:

    Thank you – again! When I’m despairing at my family, reading your posts helps me to see the positives and look at how far I’ve come, not just to focus on how much there still is to do. I’m trying to car boot some to help the kids learn value and earn some extra cash, and also to make them think about how much “stuff” we have. Sorting out the shed means the car boot stuff is not in the house, fortunately!

  • Janelle Hood says:

    I’m so glad I stumbled onto your blog several years ago. I began working full time last year afte 35 years working at home and then part time. Having gone through your decluttering course has made this transition so much easier. Thanks for launching Nourishing Minimalism and the continued encouragement!

  • Cathy says:

    It’s always good to revisit this video. I still have so far to go BUT yesterday was Christmas Day and I got ALL the washing up done and the counters cleared!
    Of course when I came down this morning a few random cups and plates had gathered from people’s rooms (haven’t cracked that one yet and not sure I ever will!) but it was so easy to empty the dishwasher and start reloading it, and hand wash the few bits that needed it. For me this is huge progress.
    And the additional extra is that because I’m not catching up on yesterday’s jobs, I can do more fun stuff today!
    I’m so grateful to you for your kind and gentle support in helping me make progress!

  • Darci says:

    This is very helpful, and has gotten me through some tough sorting. I had so much of my mothers things, that it has overflowed onto mine. It took about 6 months, but I am finally down to one small box that I will go through with my sister. Its a big relief! ☺

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