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In today’s world, it can feel like our digital spaces are in constant chaos. However, decluttering doesn’t have to be daunting. By taking a minimalist approach, you can create a more functional and streamlined digital environment.

Why declutter your devices?

Before diving into your digital declutter, consider your current needs. Are you focused on organizing specific devices, managing accounts, or tidying up certain categories of files? Each area has unique challenges, so prioritize based on what’s most important to you. Assess your situation and choose the approach that makes the most sense for you right now.

  • Devices: Phones, laptops, external storage drives, and sometimes cloud storage.
  • Accounts: Emails, social media, cloud storage accounts, apps.
  • Categories: Photos, messages, emails, documents.

Choose the area that will have the most immediate impact on your daily life. If you’re working on a big project, focusing on the device or area you use most frequently might be the best place to start.

Digital decluttering is a process

Digital decluttering doesn’t happen overnight. Depending on the extent of your clutter, it might take some time to fully organize everything. The goal is to get your main digital spaces cleaned up quickly, so you can work through the rest at your own pace without feeling overwhelmed.

When tackling devices, consider using an external storage device, like a solid-state drive (SSD), to consolidate files. Alternatively, cloud storage offers an easy and reliable option, though it may come with a subscription cost. Do your research to find the right solution for your needs.

Decluttering can hurt

One of the biggest hurdles to jump when you begin your decluttering journey–even digital ones–is that little spike of pain when you let something go. What if you miss it? What if you need it? What if toys are sentient, and they’re going to be so sad and have to travel miles and fight a dog and chase a moving van to get back to you?

A digital declutter can make you hesitate, too. What if I need this app I haven’t used in a year? What if I accidentally delete something I need from my screenshots folder [4,820,485 items]?

If you get hit with the declutter regret, check out this guide on what to do when you regret decluttering something.

Step 1:  Pile and Purge

As you begin sorting, think of your folders as digital “sorting piles.” Keeping things very simple at first helps avoid decision fatigue. Avoid the temptation to use more than 2-3 “piles” at first.

  1. KEEP: Files you know you want to keep, like important documents or current project files.
  2. DON’T KEEP: Files you no longer need, such as old downloads or irrelevant documents from past projects. These can go directly to the trash, or into a “Don’t Keep” folder if you’re not ready to delete them immediately.
  3. DON’T KNOW: Files you’re unsure about. Place these in a review folder to sort through later.

Step 2: Simplify and Sort Your Digital Tools

To avoid creating more clutter, keep your folder structure minimal. Here are some ideas of folders or digital “piles” you can use to help further sort. You can end your digital decluttering here or use a more comprehensive file name system as seen below.

  • Important: For critical files like birth certificates, tax records, and essential documents.
  • To-Do: For files that need your immediate attention, like critical forms that need attention or documents for a current project, or urgent emails.
  • Trash Later: A temporary folder for files you’re considering deleting but want to review one last time.
  • Archive: For files that don’t need to be accessed regularly, like old work projects or past tax records.
  • Compress: For large collections of files that can be stored together, such as photos from a specific trip or event. Compressing them into a zip file can save space.
  • Temporary/Throw-Away: A folder for files related to short-term projects, like a wedding slideshow, which can be deleted once the project is complete.
  • Move: For files that need to be transferred to another device, account, or storage location.

Step 3: Establish a File Naming System

A well-organized digital space isn’t just about decluttering—it’s also about ensuring you can easily find what you need in the future and keep the digital clutter at bay. One of the most effective ways to maintain order is by creating a consistent and intuitive file naming system. This approach not only streamlines your workflow but also reduces the time spent searching for specific files.

The Importance of Consistent Naming

Consistency is key when it comes to file names. A standardized system helps you quickly identify the contents of a file without needing to open it. Over time, this habit will make your digital organization more efficient and sustainable.

Basic Principles for Naming Files

  1. Be Descriptive, But Concise: Your file names should clearly indicate what the file contains. Use keywords that make sense to you, but avoid making the names too long and be methodical.
    For example, instead of naming a file “Document1,” opt for something more specific like “2024_Tax_Returns” or “Client_Proposal_September.”
  2. Use Dates: Including dates in your file names can be incredibly helpful, especially for documents that you update regularly or need to reference chronologically. Use a consistent date format, such as “YYYY-MM-DD” or “MM-YYYY,” to keep everything in order. For example, “MeetingNotes_2024-09-02” allows you to see at a glance when the document was created and utilize the search function to quickly find things from a certain time period.
  3. Include Version Numbers: When working on multiple drafts of a document, it’s essential to keep track of different versions. Use a simple versioning system like “v1,” “v2,” or “Draft” and “Final” to distinguish between iterations. For example, “MarketingPlan_v2” or “WebsiteRedesign_Final.”
  4. Use Underscores or Dashes Instead of Spaces: Some operating systems or software don’t handle spaces in file names well, and using underscores (_) or dashes (-) instead of spaces can help ensure compatibility across platforms. For example, “Project_Report_2024-09-02” is preferable to “Project Report 2024 09 02.”
  5. Avoid Special Characters: Special characters like @, #, %, or & can cause issues with certain software or cloud storage systems. Stick to letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes to ensure your files are accessible no matter where they’re stored.
  6. Group Files by Type or Category: Consider including a category or type indicator in your file names, especially if you have a lot of similar documents. For example, prefix your file names with “INV” for invoices, “DOC” for documents, or “IMG” for images. This approach allows you to quickly scan through your files and find what you need. An example could be “INV_2024-09_ClientName” or “IMG_ZooTrip_2018.”
  7. Maintain a Folder Structure That Matches Your Naming System: Your file names should work hand-in-hand with your folder structure. If your folders are organized by year and project, your file names should reflect that. For example, if you have a folder called “2024_Taxes,” your file names could be “2024_W2_Form” and “2024_1099_Misc.”

Example of a File Naming System in Action

Let’s say you’re organizing files for a project related to a marketing campaign. You might structure your file names like this:

  • CampaignPlan_v1_2024-JULY
  • CampaignBudget_vFinal_2024-SEPT
  • ClientMeetingNotes_2024-09-01
  • CampaignAssets_Images
  • CampaignAssets_Videos

By following these principles, you create a system where every file is easily identifiable and locatable. Over time, this will save you a significant amount of time and reduce the frustration that comes with searching for lost files.

Incorporating a consistent file naming system into your digital decluttering process will help you maintain order long after the initial clean-up is complete. It’s a simple yet powerful step towards a more efficient and organized digital life.

Design a Future-Proof File System

After decluttering and establishing a solid file naming system, the next step is to create a file organization system that suits your workflow. The structure you choose should align with how you work and how you retrieve information.

Here are three common approaches:

1. Chronological File System

A chronological system organizes files by date, making it ideal for tracking progress over time or managing projects that unfold in stages.


  • Easy to track the evolution of a project.
  • Simple to maintain, with new files easily placed in the correct date folder.


  • Limited flexibility for finding non-time-sensitive files.
  • Can become cluttered if not carefully managed.

2. Functional File System

A functional system organizes files by the type of work or purpose they serve, making it easy to find specific types of documents regardless of when they were created.


  • Highly organized, making files easy to find by task or function.
  • Flexible and adaptable to different types of projects.


  • Less intuitive for tracking time-based tasks.
  • Requires consistent upkeep to avoid misfiling.

3. Hybrid File System

A hybrid system combines elements of both chronological and functional systems, offering flexibility in both time-based and function-based file retrieval.


  • Balanced approach that can be customized to suit specific needs.
  • Provides flexibility for complex or multifaceted projects.


  • Requires more initial planning to establish a clear structure.
  • Potential for overlap if guidelines aren’t clear.

Choosing the Right Digital Organization System

When deciding which system to use, consider your workflow and how you typically search for information:

  • Chronological is best for time-sensitive work.
  • Functional suits diverse tasks across different areas.
  • Hybrid offers a balanced and flexible solution.

Whichever system you choose, consistency is key. Regularly review and adjust your file structure to ensure it continues to meet your needs as they evolve. This proactive approach will help you maintain an organized and efficient digital workspace in the long term.

Combine and Conquer

Digital clutter often spans multiple devices and accounts. Once you’ve organized files into basic categories, look for opportunities to combine similar items. For instance, consolidate all your photos into one folder, regardless of which device they were originally on.

Digital decluttering is about creating a more functional, streamlined digital environment that aligns with your minimalist values. By taking it one step at a time, you’ll find it easier to maintain a clean and organized digital space in the long run.

 Accounts and Emails

Decluttering accounts and emails require a slightly different approach. For apps and accounts, it is sometimes best to deactivate and delete irrelevant accounts and apps completely. 

  • FILTERS: Create rules or filters to automatically sort your emails into designated folders.
  • PREVENTION: Use unsubscribe and spam buttons to stop unwanted emails from cluttering your inbox.
  • BULK: Work in batches by using the search bar to find and move emails into your review folders.

Digital Decluttering Checklist

Digital spaces affect our mental health and well being just as much as physical spaces. Here’s a checklist to guide you in your digital declutter. 

1. Smartphone Cleanup

  •  Delete unused apps
  •  Organize remaining apps into folders
  •  Clear app cache
  •  Delete downloaded files
  • Clean up photo gallery
    •  Delete duplicates
    •  Remove screenshots
    •  Back up important photos
  •  Clear browser history and cache
  •  Unsubscribe from unnecessary notifications

2. Computer Organization

  • Clean up desktop
    •  Delete unnecessary digital files
    •  Organize remaining into appropriate folders
  •  Empty recycle bin/trash
  • Organize documents folder
    •  Create logical folder structure
    •  Delete or archive old files
  •  Uninstall unused programs
  •  Run disk cleanup utility
  •  Defragment hard drive (if applicable)
  •  Update operating system and software

3. Email Management

  •  Unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters
  •  Create filters for automatic organization
  •  Delete or archive old emails
  •  Empty trash folder
  •  Organize important emails into folders
  •  Clear spam folder
  •  Set up email templates for common responses

4. Cloud Storage

  •  Review and delete unnecessary files
  •  Organize remaining files into folders
  •  Remove duplicate files
  •  Check for and delete old backups
  •  Review shared files and revoke unnecessary access
  •  Ensure important files are properly backed up

5. Social Media Apps

  •  Unfriend/unfollow inactive or unnecessary connections
  •  Leave unused groups
  •  Delete or archive old posts
  •  Review and update privacy settings
  •  Delete or deactivate unused social media accounts
  •  Clear search history
  • Organize apps into folders

6. Browser Cleanup

  •  Delete unnecessary bookmarks
  •  Organize bookmarks into folders
  •  Clear browsing history and cache
  •  Review and remove unnecessary extensions
  •  Update or remove unused passwords from password manager

7. External Storage

  •  Review files on external hard drives
  •  Delete unnecessary backups
  •  Ensure important files are synced to cloud
  •  Label and organize physical storage devices

Maintenance Plan

  • Schedule weekly quick cleanups
    •  Empty downloads folder
    •  Clear browser cache
    •  Delete unnecessary files from desktop
    • Organize photos from the week
    • Clear home screen
    • Delete files from download folder
  • Schedule monthly deep cleanups
    •  Review and clean all categories above
    •  Update software and systems
    •  Verify backups of files and digital pictures

Is it digital clutter, or is your problem screen time?

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed in the digital world because humans were not built to live there. If you find yourself going to your phone for empty entertainment, distraction, or procrastination, take a pause.

Overuse of technology is ruining our society’s attention span and dopamine distribution. Social media apps in particular are designed in a way to keep your attention–endless scroll, certain shades of blue, targeted posts. Advertisers want to keep your attention, and your attention is valuable. Be careful who you give it to.

When I was younger, I observed my surroundings in great detail, and I could recall them later. A few months ago I realized that I couldn’t remember the color of my friend’s living room walls. My friend’s house! Where I spend a lot of time!

We stuff every moment with checking emails, replying to texts, online shopping, and doomscrolling. There’s a lot of value in letting yourself be bored. Let yourself take in the world and engage with it on a deeper level.

If this is a concern of yours, I recommend checking out this 14-day digital detox to help you establish some healthier habits.

Digital decluttering is a powerful step towards a more organized and stress-free life. By thoughtfully sorting your files, establishing a clear naming system, and choosing a file structure that fits your workflow, you create a streamlined digital environment that supports your minimalist values.

Remember, this process takes time. Start small, stay consistent, and adjust your system as needed. Each step you take brings you closer to a clutter-free digital space that enhances your productivity and peace of mind.

Digital decluttering may feel overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can create an organized and efficient digital space. By decluttering now and setting up a sustainable file structure, you’ll save time and reduce stress in the long run.

How to Declutter Digitally
Marie Smith

Marie is a single mom of 3, living in an eclectically remodeled 1940's home in a small midwest town and working as a freelance writer.


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