The Clutter-Depression-Anxiety Cycle: How to Stop It

The Clutter-Depression-Anxiety Cycle: How to Stop It

I shared my personal journey from clutter and depression and I was blown away by the number of people who are in the same place or came from that same place of clutter and emotional turmoil. It’s a vicious cycle: anxiety or depression can lead to a cluttery home and a cluttery home can lead to depression and more…

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Do You Choose Unhappiness Over Uncertainty?

Do You Choose Unhappiness Over Uncertainty?

The other night my husband turned on the TV and Fools Rush In happened to be on. We ended up watching it and I found it interesting, at the end, when Matthew Perry’s character seemed floundering, and a crazy old priest said “Signs are everywhere”… and then, there were signs. Whenever it seems that God…

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