Using Time Blocking in Everyday Life

Using Time Blocking in Everyday Life

  I love productivity hacks, I enjoy having schedules and goals and getting things accomplished. Something about having a visual layout of my day and week that helps me grasp everything that I have going on. I’ve learned though, that I can’t cram stuff into my daily or weekly schedule just to have it there, in…

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Simple Tricks to Begin Your Minimalist Lifestyle

Simple Tricks to Begin Your Minimalist Lifestyle

Is this stuff helping you live the life you want to live? That’s one of the central questions I tell my students to ask themselves as they are evaluating their possessions. Most of the time we keep things in our home for other reasons: It was a gift. I need to own it because of…

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Building Margins into Your Calendar

Building Margins into Your Calendar

Do you have a schedule that is so packed, you can’t even get it all done? This is a struggle for so many of us and the question is, how do I simplify it? In the culture of today, this is normal. It’s “normal” to have things scheduled for every family member from 8 AM…

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