13 Tips to Make Hand Washing Dishes Enjoyable

I’ve talked quite a lot about how it helps us to be consistent with routines. How establishing a habit of washing dishes regularly makes ours lives easier. But I have a dishwasher. And so I’ve gotten comments on my YouTube videos on how it must take me less time and it’s “easier” for me because…

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Kick the procrastination habit

One of the common factors of a messy home is procrastination.For me, I just flat out didn’t “feel” like dealing with things – whether that was getting off the couch to throw away a candy wrapper, cleaning the toilet, or washing the dishes.I never “felt” like doing it.Which is funny to think about, because do…

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My Morning Reset

I used to wait until all the dishes and pots and pans in the house were dirty before I washed the dishes. I hated dishes. Almost as much as I hated doing laundry. That actually feels weird to say, because now I don’t hate either of those tasks. When I think back all those years…

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4 things preventing you from decluttering

There are things that prevent us from decluttering. They get in our way. And today, I want to talk about four of them. 1.If we don’t believe something’s possible, we’re not going to take the steps needed to make it happen. If from the get-go, we don’t believe that we can ever embrace minimalism, that…

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