3 Things To Get Your Spouse on Board with Minimalism

I get asked this frequently, and it’s important to consider our motivation in asking, “How do we get our spouse on board with minimalism?” For myself, I wanted to blame my husband for the state of the home. Was he messy? Yes. Did he leave stuff out everywhere? Yes. Did he collect weird random things?…

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Do I have to give up hobbies to have a clean house?

The following comment was on my YouTube channel: Sandy is not alone in this. I’ve fallen into the same trap:  If I enjoy this so much, more would be better, right?!  It is that way with anything we enjoy – gardening, quilting, makeup, clothes, cooking, camping. We can always add items to our collection of…

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Should a minimalist own an air fryer?

I’m a minimalist. And as a general rule, I avoid appliances unless an item helps me enough that it essentially EARNS the right to take my time, and occupy space in my home. The appliances I keep need to help me live my life the way I want to live or make my life easier…

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55 Item Year-Round Wardrobe

As a minimalist, how many articles of clothing should I have? There is no perfect answer to this question. We all live different lives, have different needs, live in different climates, and therefore will have to have different wardrobes. But people have asked me to share my wardrobe, so have pulled out all of my…

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Creating a home that is stupid-easy to maintain

I’m not the tidiest person. Actually, I was quite the opposite for MANY years.I was a mess. The house was a mess.I remember being so proud of myself when I kept the dishes done for a week. It was a huge deal for me.Because I loathed any type of “chore.” Hate Hate Hate, Double Hate,…

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