How to have a fun-filled toy-free Christmas

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Feeling overwhelmed with your home? Do this.

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4 exercises to help you live with intention

4 simple steps to help you live more intentionally

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Where do I start decluttering?

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How to get rid of paper clutter

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Your belongings should help you live in the present

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How to Declutter and Organize the Garage

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Clean With Me: join me as I clean the house!

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2020 in 2020 Decluttering Challenge

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Menu planning for the holidays and how to keep it simple

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How do you tell your bossy mom you got rid of her gifts without feeling guilt?

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How to get into the “zone” and get stuff done

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Minimalism Can Help You Conquer Your Fears

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How the 5-Second Rule will help you gain control of your home

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This One Mental Shift Can Help You Declutter Your Life More

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3 Ways Minimalism has Transformed my Life

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The Key to Free-time is in the Little Steps

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Menu Planning at its Easiest

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School Days Morning Routine

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Decluttering the Boy’s Room – With Video!

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How minimalism helps in times of crisis

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Tween Room Declutter – With Video Inspiration

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Minimalism isn’t the Gospel

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How to Respond When People are Offended by Your Minimalist Lifestyle

How to Respond When People are Offended by Your Minimalist Lifestyle

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Powerful Decluttering Ideas That Will Change Your Home

Powerful Decluttering Ideas That Will Change Your Home

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How to Clear the Clutter and Get Organized

How to Clear the Clutter and Get Organized

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2019 in 2019 Decluttering Challenge

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How Tiny Living Benefits the Whole Family

How Tiny Living Benefits the Whole Family

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How-to: Declutter And Organize Your Craft Room

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4 Meaningful Ways to Simplify Your Life

4 Meaningful Ways to Simplify Your Life

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  1. Nance Duncan on 12/08/2022 at 5:46 pm

    I just finished watching today’s video about your family getting together to make the snowflakes for your tree. I’ll be making some too. The ending was emotional for me. Hearing “O Holy Night” in the background while everyone was putting their snowflakes on the tree……. well, I shed a few tears. It was beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing your family moments with us.